Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Andrea Boutilier

1) I am here because: I needed to be. I needed something in my life that would help me discover myself and also a place where I felt accepted, loved and not judged, and this place with all of you wonderful people has helped me with all of these things. 

2) 6 things that I can't live without. 1- water 2-trees/plants 3-pet snuggles 4-hemp oil hand lotion 5-books 6- canned beans of any form. They are great and you can make so many things out of them. 

3) My top 3 goals in life are 1-to be happy in anything I do 2-travel 3-to have my own bit of land where I can grow things and have a really big swing set. (I love swings more than the average person)

4) Ask me about: anything you like. I will do my best to answer anything and everything

5) I am really good at: pretty much anything domestic. Wanna know how to make yogurt, vegan scalloped potatoes, plant a garden, do home canning and preserving, I can probably tell you.

6) Favorite book, movie and food: White Oleander, Marry Poppins, and the food one is tricky, but I guess I'd have to say raspberries. They are pretty awesome. 

7) What is your most positive character trait? My ability to listen to and understand people. 
 Describe your best experience in a yoga class. Probably my first yin class. When I finished the class, I felt like my body was amazing and that it could do anything given time and love. 

9) Favorite animal and why. I love all animals, but I really like goats. I think they are incredibly cute and I love how stubborn and determined they are. 

10) What is the most important thing you have learned in a yoga class? To breathe. 

and my favourite song at the moment:


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