Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chrissy Dee

1) My body, heart, and mind would have it no other way. After starting hot yoga while living in Halifax i knew i was hooked. Discovering that a Moksha studio had opened in St. John's made the transition of moving back home just that much easier. I'll never forget my first full day home- I knocked on the studio door and Steve answered, with the biggest brightest smile and outstretched arms. i knew immediately that this was something i wanted to be a part of.

2) Music, coffee, hugs (especially from babies), Nature's Aid skin gel, fresh air, and a good belly laugh.

3) To raise a family, to live near the ocean and mountains, to see as much of this planet as I possibly can.

4) The paintings on display at the studio right now!

5) Enjoying my days. I make sure to allow time to paint, head to yoga or go for a hike, sit for a coffee or pint with a friend, or take the time to make a delicious meal with the music blasting through the house. The little things that make life fun!

6)Book: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Movie:Almost Famous
Food:Avocado... and chocolate

7) People tell me that I have a very calming presence. I like problem solving and making others feel
comfortable. I am able to get over tough situations quickly and I'm pretty sure that I am physically unable to hold a grudge.

Every Bliss Flow class is always an amazing ride. My energy is sky high afterwards. I feel so alert and present.

9) The bear is my favourite animal. they are such mystical creatures. i ran into one while hiking alone once and it shook my a non-frightening amazing way!

10) Steve once said in class that nowhere has it ever been said or written that any part of yoga should be forced. These words continue to be so useful to me both in yoga and life practice!


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