- I am here because I want to be! I love it here, I love seeing everyone’s smiling faces and positive energy. And because I need to be. It’s nice to have a place to just be who you are, without any judgment
- 6 things I cant live without: My cat(s), coffee, yoga, music, my family, and the sun!!
- Ask me about.. Where I’m from! Even though I’m not completely sure..
- Top
three goals:
Travel as much as possible
Be completely myself (yoga has helped me learn how important this really is)
Become an environmental engineer - I’m really good at: anything athletic, I’ve always loved sports. Lately I’m addicted to running and yoga of course! Yoga has defiantly made running 100X easier. I’m also good at making healthy food and inventing new recipes or making old recipes healthier!
- Most positive characteristic traits: being understanding, commitment, caring, and determination.
- Best yoga class experience: there are so many!! One that sticks in my mind the most was a Karma class.. It was one my sister had come with me. I remember just looking around and seeing so many different people in this one room but we were all practicing yoga together. Every mat was completely different and each pose was completely unique to each person in the room. I realized that it doesn’t matter what the pose looks like or how strong or flexible you are, what matters is that you’re on your own path or mat and that you’re being yourself. I realized that being yourself in every pose is the best pose. Each yoga teacher has said this in class in a different way before, but really experiencing it and realizing it on my own made me truly believe it and see it for myself. It just made me really happy.
- Favorite animal: I love animals, but if I were to pick one in particular it would be a horse. I used to ride horses and it made me feel so free and alive and really connected to nature.
- Most important thing I learned in class: Be yourself! But when this seems really challenging, just breath!