Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Meghan Clarke

1.) I am here because... Where is here? Just going on something steve said in bliss the other day 
2.) 6 Things I can't live without: 1. my cat, Roxy  2. my bed 3. my friends, my parents and brother 4. books 5. movies and of course 6. my yoga mat 
3.) My top 3 goals in life are: to become a yoga teacher, do a volunteer trip to a third world country, and visit india
4.) Ask me about anything! I am a very open person and love sharing 
5.) I'm really good at being silly 
6.) Favourite book is Matilda, has been ever since I read it when I was a kid. Favourite movie, god thats a hard one. Probably avatar. Such an unreal movie. And food is a toss up between pizza and ice cream! YUM!
7.) My most positive character trait is that i'm easy to get along with  Hard to find someone I can't have an easygoing conversation with.
8.) Best moment in a yoga class: Hands down, when I could close my eyes in tree pose and keep my breath and balance. Its something I had been working towards for a while and couldn't help but have the biggest grin for the rest of class 
9.) Favourite animal: CATS!! They are just the most loving, majestic and smart creatures. Something about their purr that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside haha
10.) The most important thing I have ever learned in yoga class is breathe. Its something I use every single day.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anja Sajovic-Žuži

I am here because, well because I needed to get my sweat on since St. John's can' t really offer me a tropical climate and because it's the place where I can relax and hang out with some pretty amazing people.
6 things I can't live without: Haha, wine, whiskey, rum and good food that would match those lovely addictions, preferably in a meat form (vegetarians please look away), music and traveling/camping.
My top 3 goals in life would be finding a job that would be flexible enough for me to travel around the world, building a winter residence someplace warm and to own a plane to make it easier to visit my friends and family.
Ask me about.. human fish b'y, about olive oil, wine and prosciutto from Slovenia, scandinavian interior design and movies or something else.
I am really good at: making cakes and impersonating russian accent.
Fave movie is probably The royal Tenenbaums or no, wait, Life aquatic or Moonrise kingdom, basically everything that Wes Anderson produced. Book could be On the road. When it comes to my favourite food I have say cinnamon rolls that my boyfriend was baking for me before we went on a gluten free diet. And what I've discovered just recently that every food prepared by a good chef can be my favourite food.
It may sound boring but my most positive character trait is empathy. It's not bad though because it helps me connect with different people.
Best experience I had at a yoga class was one day when I discovered that I can do most of the poses with closed eyes. That helped me connect with myself even though I was surrounded with hundreds of people that day.
Wolf is no doubt my favourite animal. Not only that this is one sexy beast but a wolf pack has the closest family organization to a human one. Pretty amazing!
What I have learned about yoga is that it's not about the postures and lululemon pants and nice yoga bums but about that perfect moment of relaxation and peacefulness that you can only get if you focus on breathing. So easy but yet so freaking hard!


Jules Bailey

1) I am here because:
this is where i get grounded and find peace and strength.

2) 6 things I can't live without:
my kids, travel & adventure, sunshine, music, personal challenges, and knowledge

3) my top 3 goals in life are:
raising my children to have good heads on their shoulders and compassion. inner peace. changing lives.

4) ask me about:
anything - if i know something about it great, lets chat & if i don't great, teach me something new!

5) I'm really good at:
making something from nothing. I see potential everywhere & I love it.

6) Favorite book, movie, & food:
right now, Habibi by Craig Thompson, Les Mis, and fruit dipped in melted nutella! *drool*

7) most positive character trait:
i love. huge.

 best experience in a yoga class:
sinking all the way into my core & discovering pieces of myself I thought didn't exist

9) fav animal & why:
penguins - this is my romantic side *blush*, but really they mate for life & the daddys take care of the eggs, what's not to like?

10) most important thing learned in yoga class:
let go.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Catherine Roberge

I am here because...
I so badly needed a place to slow down and breathe
6 things I can't live without?
good company, long walks home, a comfortable bed, parchment paper, an abundance of bobby pins & a good heart
My top 3 goals:
- in the words of the mouthbreathers, a cheesy punk band from sackville: I wanna squeeze every last drop of juice out of the fruit that is my youth/blow the tops off all the roofs because I can handle all my truths/I want to spend my days in perfect harmony with people to whom I can say I love you in casual conversation
- wander as much as possible without fear or doubt
- use my abilities to be in a constant state of creation whether it be concrete or abstract!
Ask me about?
making pie crust from scratch!!! and any other baking related question you might have, nightwalks, neighborhoods, punk shows, doing it yourself, pedestrian life, being an urban scavenger
I am good at?
feeding people, treasure hunting, book recommendations, getting people excited about stuff
Fave book:
everything is illuminated by jonathan safran foer...... and a few dozen others
Fave movie: anything wes anderson, harmonie korine or sofia coppola have made!
Fave food: wild strawberries, salmon, kale, the perfect over-easy eggs with lotsa hot sauce and every pie ever
A character trait: i am so much stronger than i knew! i'm good at making people chuckle & i will talk to anyone about anything with an open mind
Fave animal:
Most important thing learned in a yoga class:
learning to breathe through everything and take the focus away from discomfort and place it on how rewarding every challenge you encounter is. there have been so many times outside the studio i have stopped and just remembered to breathe and i am never disappointed with the results.

Meghan Hollett

1) I am here because: yoga is the best way I've found to destress. And because there's still so much to learn, I've only scratched the surface! So exciting.
2) 6 Things I can't live without: my friends, my cats, those few days of sun we get per year, fresh and tasty Newfoundland air, fruits and vegetables!
3) My top 3 goals in life are: to be happy, to be kind, and to tour with the band many, many times!
4) Ask me about.. Eastern Europe! I've been twice.
5) I'm really good at... Foreign languages! I took French, Spanish, and Russian in university and always found it incredibly easy to pick up a natural sounding accent. I also did a Master's degree in Linguistics, which complimented my efforts at the time.
6) Favourite book, movie, and food is...
Book = The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov
Movie = The Neverending Story
Food = Berries! I will eat all your berries!!!
7) What is your most positive character trait? I've always considered myself to be very good at putting myself in other people's shoes and understanding ways of thinking very different from my own.
 Describe your best experience in a yoga class: I love doing yoga to music. Not just any music, but specifically high energy dance tunes give me extra adrenaline and I find really enhance my concentration. Any class with upbeat is extra special for me!
9) What is your favourite animal and why? Well, I'm a notorious cat lady. Me and my housemates own 3. Cats are my favourite because I'm their favourite! I have a good way with them and they tend to like me and follow me around. Mutual cat love.
10) What is the most important thing you ever learned in a yoga class? To be confident and patient. Without believing in yourself and giving yourself time you can't grow or get better at really anything. Remembering that the floor is not that far away if you fall is a profound idea, in my opinion, and one that you can take literally or more generally. To be patient with myself and to allow myself time to learn gradually is something I've specifically learned from yoga and I'm very grateful for that insight.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ashley Babb

...and Ocean! 


I am here because...
...of YOU!!!! You make me smile, you make me laugh,... sometimes you make me cry but it's always good tears. It feels just like "Cheers" but instead of beers we all have a nice cold mason jar full of water. So "chin chin" this one's for you 
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows your name.
You wanna go where people know, people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.
(I loves yur faces!!!!)
6 things I can't live without?
1- The universe and everything in its majestic mysterious beauty
2- A place for meditation and practice
3- People and social times ( I love socializing 
4- Music of all kinds
5- My bun
6- Sandalwood (oil, perfume, beads) anything sandalwood I wants it!
My top 3 goals:
1- To love.
2- To travel the world while learning and sharing my practice.
3- To be the lead singer in a band
*Impossible goal: To find a time machine so I can travel back to the 80's and dance with Boy George in the "Do you really want to hurt me" video.
Ask me about?
My hidden talents
I am good at?
Being OCD, being silly,... interpretive dance...
Fave book:
Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?: Inspiring Stories for Welcoming Life's Difficulties - Ajahn Brahm
Fave movie: Bram Stoker's Dracula
Fave food: Dark Chocolate
A character trait: Chameleon like, constantly changing.
Character trait I aspire to be: Genuine
Best experience in a yoga class:
Every time I cry in Savasana cause I feel it working it's magic and those moment where I feel so connected to my higher self.
Fave animal:
Ocean, she is soft and cuddly and teaches me sooo much ahaha!
Ok for realz  Birds! They go around flying in the sky!!!! WOW! That's crazyyy!
Most important thing learned in a yoga class:
Keep it light! Don't take yourself too seriously and have fun!