1.) I am here because... Where is here? Just going on something steve said in bliss the other day
2.) 6 Things I can't live without: 1. my cat, Roxy 2. my bed 3. my friends, my parents and brother 4. books 5. movies and of course 6. my yoga mat
3.) My top 3 goals in life are: to become a yoga teacher, do a volunteer trip to a third world country, and visit india
4.) Ask me about anything! I am a very open person and love sharing
5.) I'm really good at being silly
6.) Favourite book is Matilda, has been ever since I read it when I was a kid. Favourite movie, god thats a hard one. Probably avatar. Such an unreal movie. And food is a toss up between pizza and ice cream! YUM!
7.) My most positive character trait is that i'm easy to get along with Hard to find someone I can't have an easygoing conversation with.
8.) Best moment in a yoga class: Hands down, when I could close my eyes in tree pose and keep my breath and balance. Its something I had been working towards for a while and couldn't help but have the biggest grin for the rest of class
9.) Favourite animal: CATS!! They are just the most loving, majestic and smart creatures. Something about their purr that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside haha
10.) The most important thing I have ever learned in yoga class is breathe. Its something I use every single day.